General Discussion

Flat creates an empty folder
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/6/2013 5:06 am
Views: 4799
Rating: 6 creates an empty folder

Even though I converted my files to : "Wave - PCM signed 16 bit, mono - Rate 8000" (phone) with GoldWave..

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 5:06 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: creates an empty folder
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/6/2013 5:28 am
Views: 89
Rating: 6

I've also modified the sphinx_train.cfg to be sure to put the phone-version values..


--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 5:28 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: creates an empty folder
User: Visitor
Date: 11/6/2013 7:31 am
Views: 2029
Rating: 7

Oooook !
Resolved !!

That was one of the dummiest things I ever made :
-> ./configure
-> make

I forgot :
-> make install

Truly sorry for your reading time, that was such a stupid thing ^^'

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 7:31 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
